Frisören / The hairdresser
The living room was suddenly transformed into a hairdresser and my daughter had become the barber. With scissors and comb, she was ready to take on my hair, full of enthusiasm. With soft hand she cut the hair to length that suited, according to her.Then she blonde lots of highlights. It got followed by shampooing, conditioner and drying. The result was a restyled mom with much shorter hair. Salon Josefin get full marks.
Gitarren / The guitar
Have a guitar hanging on the wall, a guitar that has been silent for a long, long time. A guitar whose strings were handled with soft hands and accompanied by singing. A guitar that filled the room with beautiful music. I wish that I have had the chance to listen but the guitar became silent before I was born. It became silent when my grandmother passed away 55 years ago ...
Gränsfritt / Border-free
Some might have wondered why I suddenly started writing in English as well. It's easily explained. Earlier I told you that I have a soulmate on the other side of the world, in Alaska. She is my wonderful friend and we share a lot in life, so even our blogs. That's why. So Ki, here comes a bouquet of flowers...
Mardrömmar / Nightmares
Woke up crying. A nightmare had taken over and it took a while before I realized that I only dreamed it all. Couldn't disconnect my thoughts so I layed there in bed and realized how strong the dream had affected me, how sensitive the whole thing had become. The thoughts chose to stay so I decided to sneak down to the couch and the TV. Then I sat there this very early morning and watched TV for a while before I must have fallen asleep again. Woke up by birds singing, sunshine and a little sweet cat who stood and talked to me. It'll be a nice day today after all ...
Inspiration / Inspiration
Looking for inspiration to change in my garden. Looking at statues, flowers and plants, all in the idea of creating something new to enjoy. My thoughts are to create a place that is both inviting and soothing, a place where you just want to stay. As usual, you adjust to your wallet, but one can dream ...
Boken / The book
Vaken till långt efter midnatt. Tanden värker och jag kan inte slappna av trots smärtstillande piller. Försöker med knepet att lyssna på en bok i sovrumsmörkret i hopp om att bli sömnig och somna. Jag väljer historien om vikingen Hicke Hiskelig Halvulk III och de övriga vikingasönerna i byn som alla fått i uppdrag att fånga varsin drake och tämja den. Boken berättas av Robert Gustavsson och redan där borde jag ha förstått att det skulle bli roligt och valt något annat. Men se, det gör jag inte. Resultatet blir att jag ligger där i mörkret och skrattar för mig själv...
Awake until long after midnight. The tooth aches and I can't relax despite the pain pills. I try the trick of listening to a book in the bedroom dark, hoping to become drowsy and fall asleep. I select the story of Viking Hicke Hiskelig Halvulk III and the other Viking sons who have been commissioned to capture a dragon and tame it, narrated by Robert Gustavsson. I should have known that it would be fun and selected something else. But I didn't. Instead I'm laying here in the darkness laughing...
Tandläkarskräcken / The fear of dentists
Have been to my dentist and started a root canal. It wasn't a pleasant experience so far. All drilling shaped me to a taut piano wire caught in a dentist chair. To top it all I now have a terrible toothache when the anesthetic released. Lucky me, I have pain killers...
Tårar / Tears
Läste nyss om katten Nisse Naréus som gått bort och fällde naturligtvis en massa tårar för det. Blev påmind om Fräs, min första egna katt, som jag älskade över allt annat på jorden. I fjorton år kamperade vi ihop innan hans kropp inte orkade mer och sa ifrån. Han fick då somna in i stället för att plågas och begravdes sedan på Storsandskär där han trivts och busat. Saknaden var enorm. Jag förstår att Nisse nu är en mycket saknad kompis...
Just read about the cat Nisse Naréus who passed away and I cried a lot. I've got reminded of Fräs, my first cat, who I loved more than anything else on earth. For fourteen years we camped together before his body couldn't manage more. He was put to sleep instead of being tormented and then buried in Storsandskär. The loss was huge. I understand that Nisse is a very missed friend...
Nisse & Fräs, två saknade familjemedlemmar / Nisse & Fräs, two missed family members
Lycka / Happiness
It's so wonderful to get out and enjoy the sun, never mind if it's on the asphalt. And when I'm out, who cares if I get a little dirty and dusty...
Vårfärger / Spring colours
The winter rest period is finally over. The flower beds have been given new life, it's growing fast and spring flowers fills our world with bright colors. What a wonderful world we're living in!
Besöket / The visit
This evening became different. Our family received guests. Mr. and Mrs. Mallard came walking along the road and stopped at our house. We invited them to a luxury dinner and a short rest on the lawn. They stayed for some hours. Then Mr. and Mrs. Mallard thanked for the hospitality and flew away...
Båtsäsongen /The boating season
Finally our summer fun, JoJo of Joy, has been unveiled for the upcoming boating season. In the sunshine she stands proudly, waiting to be pampered and beautiful. Deep inside she's longing for the open sea where she belongs. I'm longing too...
Söndagsplaneringen / The sunday planning
Early Sunday morning, the sun is shining and I feel happy and full of energy. I'm wondering if I should take care of the flower beds or if I should take a trip to our boat and take care of it before the upcoming summer tours. Since I know myself quite well I guess it probably will be a mix of both and also some more too...
Morgontrafiken / Morning traffic
Finds myself singing in the middle of the traffic noise. Sitting here on my moped, humming songs that pops into my head while I make my way along the road. I feel pretty good but it could be even better, especially if all motorists were giving more attention. But I don't spend my energy on that today, continuing singing my way to work ...