Söndagsplaneringen / The sunday planning
Tidig söndagsmorgon, solen skiner och jag känner mig glad och fylld av energi. Sitter och funderar på om jag ska göra gårdens rabatter fina eller om jag ska åka ner till båten och väcka upp den för säsongen som kommer. Känner jag mig själv rätt så blir det nog en mix av båda och kanske lite till...
Early Sunday morning, the sun is shining and I feel happy and full of energy. I'm wondering if I should take care of the flower beds or if I should take a trip to our boat and take care of it before the upcoming summer tours. Since I know myself quite well I guess it probably will be a mix of both and also some more too...
Early Sunday morning, the sun is shining and I feel happy and full of energy. I'm wondering if I should take care of the flower beds or if I should take a trip to our boat and take care of it before the upcoming summer tours. Since I know myself quite well I guess it probably will be a mix of both and also some more too...