Efterlängtat / Awaited
"So much better" is back and with it expectations for this year's version. Will this year's artists respond and deliver versions of each other's songs that will affect and seduce me. The answer is simple and is already given. Of course!
Ihågkommen / Remembered
Att finnas kvar… Att aldrig suddas ut fastän man lämnar jordelivet. Att bli ihågkommen, att bli pratad om, att aldrig bli glömd. Så vill jag att det ska vara. Att helt enkelt lämna så många vackra spår efter sig att de för alltid sparas i någons hjärta. Att veta att vad som än händer så finns jag kvar…
Beteenden / Behaviors
De senaste dagarna har runnit förbi i en ändlös ström. Med det kaos som har snurrat runt inuti mig så känns det som om kroppen aldrig fått vila. Den har varit i gång konstant och det visar sig i mitt beteende. Irritationen har varit ett faktum, liksom tårar och ett ilsket utbrott. Vissa situationer har fått kroppen att reagera på mörka minnen som jag velat sudda ut för all framtid. Men så finns de plötsligt där och ställer till det. Nu får dock känslostormarna plana ut och återgå till det vanliga mönstret för dagarna lär nog fortsätta att rinna förbi i en ändlös ström…
These last days have flown by in an endless stream. With the chaos inside of me it feels like my body never rests. It has been running constantly and it shows in my behavior. The irritation has been a fact, like tears and an angry outburst. Some situations are reactions of dark memories that I wanted to erase forever. But suddenly they're there. Now, however, the storms of feelings have to return to the usual pattern because the days'll probably continue to flow by in an endless stream...
Reflektioner / Reflections
Left the job, the thoughts were elsewhere and the tears didn't seem to stop flowing. I went home and let it all out in the hope that it would be better. Then I fell asleep on the couch with Morris. Woke up half past eleven and dragged myself up to bed to continue sleeping...
Ängel / Angel
Saknad / Missed
Jag är tusen vindar över sjön.
Jag är silverglittret över snön.
Jag är solsken över mogen säd.
Jag är stilla regn i höstens träd.
I have just received news that my old aunt left the earth life. A far examined life is over and I think she's having it much better where she is now. Gone are all her pains and hardships she endured. In this sad moments, I miss her and it actually feels as if a small part of me is gone. I will never forget her peering eyes, that playful laughter and her curiosity. I can feel the positive feeling I got inside when we shared experiences. Tomorrow I will go to the cemetery and light candles and remember my aunt. Rest in peace my dear aunt.
I am thousand winds over the lake.
I am silver glitter over the snow.
I am sunlight on ripened grain.
I'm still rain in the autumn trees.
Ljus / Light
Imagine how time flies when you're busy with something that you enjoy doing. Suddenly the hours are gone and it's time to finish what you're doing right when it's at its best. Such times it's nice to see some kind of result. Today I did, the light. But that's just the beginning ...